Results for "bags"
ISTAD: A pioneering goody bag
These inexpensive food storage bags come in varied sizes, with a double seal to keep contents fresh for longer and no leaks. Perfect for fridge or freezer. Chop fresh fruit or salads to make with you for lunch. You can use the bags over and over again, so less waste. Saves food, saves time, saves the planet.
Ideas for a more efficient home
Plastic, paper and glass, every year we throw away almost 500 kilos of waste per person. Much of this waste can be recycled. But how do you separate your waste, without your house being full of different garbage bags? With the following tips, separating your waste at home becomes a piece of cake.
Get set for school their way, and yours
Help your kids get ready for school with minimum drama by making smart use of the space you have. Pegboards are perfect for keeping all the things they love right at hand. Simply add hooks, clips, shelves, containers and bags to suit your child’s needs.