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Tabla de planchar, mesa
28 ¾x12 ½ "


Bolsa para ropa sucia con soporte
blanco, 13 gal





Decorate the wall with pictures

Pictures, frames and prints, a wall clock, a nice combination of mirrors, storage in the form of shelves and hooks... Your walls are a great support, also when it comes to decorating! Take the opportunity to organize by height, use multifunctional accessories and gain an extra work surface.


6 garage ideas to maximise space

An often-overlooked area, your garage has great storage potential. Even with limited floorspace, the e’s plenty you can do maximise the area around the walls.


A calm organized kitchen paceful vibe

We’ve crafted a modern look, displaying oak-effect fronts and natural colours creating a calming kitchen solution for this small sized apartment. Lots of open storage with space for everything with soft minimalism and mat colour scheme, enhanced by the mat finishes on the walls and floor to generate a peaceful, unified atmosphere.